Things YOU can do to Protect your Home & Property
Create a “Defensible Space” – Remove all dry grass, brush, dead leaves & slash AT LEAST 30 FEET from your Home. Fire resistant landscaping is recommended.
Remove any and all branches overhanging or within 10 feet of your roof.
Cover your chimney/stovepipes with non-flammable screen (Spark Arrester) of ¼ inch or smaller mesh.
Any new construction or remodeling should be done with fire resistant materials, including siding and roofing.
Space trees and shrubs 10 feet apart. Reduce the number of trees in heavily wooded areas.
For trees taller than 18 feet, prune lower branches at least 6 feet off the ground to prevent fire from reaching the tops of trees.
Stack firewood and scrap piles at least 30 feet from your home and remove flammable vegetation within 10 feet of the piles.
Locate LPG tanks at least 30 feet from any structure and surround the tank with a 10 foot clearance around.
Maintain your “DEFENSIBLE SPACE.”
